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Nipple Creams

Nipple creams are used to soothe and protect sore or cracked nipples during breastfeeding. They are typically made with natural ingredients that are safe for both mom and baby. Nipple creams help to provide relief from discomfort, promote healing, and prevent further irritation. Applying nipple cream after each breastfeeding session can aid in keeping the skin moisturized and supple, making the breastfeeding experience more comfortable for the mother. It is important to choose a high-quality, lanolin-free nipple cream that is safe for babies to ingest 10ml -ksh 1500 40ml-ksh 2500
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Sitz Bath

A sitz bath basin is a specialized shallow basin or tub designed to be placed over a toilet seat for the purpose of soaking and cleansing the perineal area. It is commonly used to alleviate discomfort or promote healing in the genital and anal regions, particularly after childbirth, surgery, or for individuals experiencing hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or other pelvic or rectal conditions.
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